
SRO improvement and replacement

Kintsugi is a Japanese philosophy that celebrates imperfections by repairing broken pottery with gold, symbolizing resilience and the beauty in the flaws of our history.  

Not for profit tenant services

Anhart Services is part of the Anhart Global Network and has created successful community housing, social enterprise and sustainable villages in 10 countries since 1988. In Canada, Anhart Community Housing Society, Anhart Foundation, Anhart, Investents, Anhart Homes and Anhart Construction serve Canadians by putting people and planet before profit.

Operating as a community contribution company, anhart Services has developed remote tenant services for the last 20 years in multi-tenanted facilities in Vancouver. Our desire is to expand a good thing and share the experiences with other owners and managers who want to build community through well-run tenant and buildings services. When you call we can arrange to send you more information and explain how we can help your tenants and your building. 

Learn more about a community contribution company that puts people and place before profit.

Not for profit SRO maintenance

Rebuild Construction CCC Ltd. began in 2016 as a renovation and building maintenance company focused on projects in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. In 2019 it was relaunched with an expanded mandate to support Anhart’s affordable housing program. It would renovate, maintain and preserve places where people live, saving costs and recycling building materials. It would also be a hub for social employment—helping people rebuild their lives.

Anhart Homes’ first housing development is at 1270 Ryder Street in Hope, B.C., on which site was previously a funeral home. In 2019 Rebuild worked with a local contractor to take down the building and recycle various components and materials including doors, windows and wood. 

Rebuild also helps to repair and restore The Dodson, Anhart Community Housing’s flagship century-old residential building at 25 E Hastings St., Vancouver. Rebuild’s cost-efficient project management allows Anhart to maintain existing housing without displacing tenants or raising rents. 

Not for profit SRO replacement

The Dodson is one of over 150 single room hotels and rooming houses in Vancouver needing conversion to mixed income apartments. Through a proposed privately sponsored initiative, the Dodson conversion from 71 single rooms to 52 micro suites represents a pioneering model for SRO revitalization across North America. As a one-to-one replacement, the current Dodson are scheduled to transition to Anhart’s new 71 micro suite development at 441-449 East Pender.

Anhart is currently spearheading the development of over 70 supportive housing units located at 441-449 East Pender. This forward-thinking initiative aims to introduce a replacement model for Vancouver’s aging Single Room Occupancy hotels (SROs). Upon the completion of the East Pender project, existing tenants of the Dodson Hotel, also owned by Anhart, will be offered the opportunity to transition into new, self-contained micro suites.


For More Information

For personalized contact with Keith Wiebe Gordon, co-founder of the Anhart Global Network, email and make an inquiry appointment.


Social dollars live forever

The actual quote from Muhamed Yunus, the founder of the Grameen Bank and a pioneer of the social enterprise and micro finance movement, is “A charity dollar has only one life; a social business dollar can be used over and over agian.”